Saturday, December 31, 2011

My Prayer for the New Year

Earth shall be healed. And all the people that live on the Earth shall be healed.
And all the people that live on the Earth shall find peace and be healed.
Chant from:  “You Are The One,” by Carole & Bren

My prayer for this new year is simple.  I pray that the Earth—the only home we have—shall be healed.  I pray that we as a nation and a world may renew our commitment to the complex process of healing the damage we have done to our planet.  I pray that the water we drink may flow cleanly and freely, that the food we eat shall nourish our bodies, and that the air that we breathe shall be clear and light.
      I pray that all the people that live on the Earth shall be healed—not just from disease, although that is part of my prayer—but also from the mental framework that leads us to focus on the differences between ourselves and our neighbors instead of the similarities.  I pray that we as a nation will unite around meeting the needs of all our citizens, not just the wealthy and not just big business.  I am especially concerned for those that have in some way been disenfranchised through the lack of health care or loss of the opportunity to do honest work and earn an honest living.
I pray that all the people that live on the Earth shall find peace and be healed.  I pray for an end to the violence that is daily perpetrated against women, children, animals, the differently abled, the GLBT community, and all other victims of violence.  I pray for an end to the endless wars in which we find ourselves engaged and for renewed efforts at peace-making across the globe.  I pray for Peace.
      These prayers cannot come true without each of us doing our part to manifest healing in the world.  Another word for healing is wholeness—the integration of all parts of the self—body-mind-emotions-spirit—into a state of balance.  My prayer for myself this new year is that I intentionally act to create this wholeness and balance within myself, so that I may better serve the cause of healing and peace for the Earth.
      What prayers do you make this new year?

Friday, December 30, 2011

Finding My Voice

Welcome to my blog.  I've never blogged before, but the older I get the more I feel like I  actually have something worth saying and who knows--I may enjoy it.

Despite what the name of this blog might suggest, it is not about astrology or astronomy.  My mystical name is Star Weaver--chosen because I weave tapestries and my soul card in the Tarot is the Star.  I love the Star card--embodiment of the sacred connection between Heaven and Earth--she who pours the healing waters of life out onto the land, bringing hope, wholeness, and illumination.  I like to think it is an apt description of my life's work.

I am a recent transplant to Maine, having lived most of my life, adult and child, on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.  I have traveled to strange and exotic places and learned from my journeys.  I have felt the touch of the Divine and been inspired to create beauty.  I have survived the loss of almost everything I held to close my heart, and become stronger because of that.  I have experienced tremendous joy, which is all the sweeter because of the losses.  I no longer take anything for granted.

All aspects of my journey have been supported by my deep belief in a Divinity which dwells within me, within you, and within all other beings with whom we share Mother Earth.  The sacred elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water are the tools I use as I negotiate my daily life.  I am always seeking to live my life as authentically as I can, being true to all aspects of my self--body, mind and spirit.  Walk with me for a while--who knows what stories and adventures  await.

Blessed be our journey.