Friday, December 30, 2011

Finding My Voice

Welcome to my blog.  I've never blogged before, but the older I get the more I feel like I  actually have something worth saying and who knows--I may enjoy it.

Despite what the name of this blog might suggest, it is not about astrology or astronomy.  My mystical name is Star Weaver--chosen because I weave tapestries and my soul card in the Tarot is the Star.  I love the Star card--embodiment of the sacred connection between Heaven and Earth--she who pours the healing waters of life out onto the land, bringing hope, wholeness, and illumination.  I like to think it is an apt description of my life's work.

I am a recent transplant to Maine, having lived most of my life, adult and child, on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.  I have traveled to strange and exotic places and learned from my journeys.  I have felt the touch of the Divine and been inspired to create beauty.  I have survived the loss of almost everything I held to close my heart, and become stronger because of that.  I have experienced tremendous joy, which is all the sweeter because of the losses.  I no longer take anything for granted.

All aspects of my journey have been supported by my deep belief in a Divinity which dwells within me, within you, and within all other beings with whom we share Mother Earth.  The sacred elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water are the tools I use as I negotiate my daily life.  I am always seeking to live my life as authentically as I can, being true to all aspects of my self--body, mind and spirit.  Walk with me for a while--who knows what stories and adventures  await.

Blessed be our journey.


  1. You are off and blogging! Congratulations! I look forward to reading all your posts.

  2. Welcome, dear friend! May you find blogging as rewarding as I have.

  3. What a wonderful tool to share you gift of knowledge ! I look forward to read them all!!!!

  4. This is beautiful, Star Weaver, and I acknowledge and support you in your creative gift into the world. Thank you for your prayer. Blessed be.
